недеља, 8. децембар 2019.

Elizavecca New Products

Elizavecca brend je definitivno moj omiljeni brend, kada je nega u pitanju i uvek se radujem isprobavanju novih proizvoda. Imaju pristupačne cene, veliku količinu proizvoda i inovativnu formulu. Nisu kao slični brendovi jer zaista veliku pažnju posvećuju sastojcima i proizvodi rade posao. Skoro sam istraživala o kremama i serumima i shvatila da na našem tržištu nema ničeg sličnog. Sve kreme su obično pune alkohola i glicerina a koštaju mnogo, mnogo više. Elizavecca kreme su jako povoljne, imaju 100 ml i jako dobre sastojke. Mojoj koži toliko prijaju njihovi proizvodi i godinama su već deo moje rutine. Ako neki brend moram da koristim do kraja života, definitivno bih izabrala Elizavecca.

The Elizavecca brand is definitely my favorite brand when it comes to care and I always look forward to trying new products. They have affordable prices, a large amount of products and an innovative formula. They are not like other brands because they really pay a lot of attention to the ingredients and the products do the job. I was almost researching about creams and serums and realized that there was nothing like it in our market. All creams are usually full of alcohol and glycerin and cost much, much more. Elizavecca creams are very affordable, have 100 ml and very good ingredients. My skin is so well liked by their products and they have been part of my routine for years. If I had to use a brand for the rest of my life, I would definitely choose Elizavecca.

Kod malo brendova srećemo toliku posvećenost i pakovanjima. Uvek se radujem da vidim kako izgleda unutrašnjost kutije jer oni stvarno i na to misle. Neko na to ne obraća pažnju i nije mu bitno ali se stvarno vidi trud i briga o potrošačima. Na slikama gore se vidi pakovanje Elizavecca Bright Turn Peeling gela, koji je iz njhihove čuvene Piggy linije. Karakterističan logo svinje i divno pakovanje. Sama formula je gelasta i odlično očisti kožu. Kada se utlja u kožu, pilinguje je i prave se sitne grudvice. Nije fizički piling i nema čestice u sebi, već se gel pretvara u grudvice i skida mrtve ćelije. Radi odličan posao a lice mi nije crveno. Ne iritira kožu i ne oštećuje je. Sve preporuke za ovaj proizvod jer za lice ne treba da se koriste klasični pilinzi. Ipak treba što više čuvati kožu lica i truditi se da se ne grebemo i ne iritiramo. Moja osetljiva koža voli ovaj proizvod. Pakovanje je od 150 ml i baš će dugo trajati. Sadrži vitamine, ekstrakt lotosa, kamilice i trljanjem gela, svi hranjivi sastojci prodiru u kožu. Svi proizvod dolaze sa zaštitnom folijom.

There is a few brands where we can find so much commitment in packaging. I always look forward to seeing what the inside of the box looks like because they really mean it too. Someone does not pay attention to it and it does not matter to him, but one can really see the effort and care of the consumers. The pictures above show the packaging of Elizavecca Bright Turn Peeling Gel, which is from their famous Piggy line. Characteristic pig logo and wonderful packaging. The formula itself is gel-like and cleanses the skin perfectly. When rubbed into the skin, it is exfoliated and tiny lumps are made. It is not a physical exfoliator and has no particles in it, but the gel turns into lumps and removes dead cells. It does a great job and my face is not red. It does not irritate or damage the skin. All the recommendations for this product because the face should not be used classic peels. However, the skin of the face should be protected as much as possible and care should be taken not to scratch or irritate. My sensitive skin loves this product. The pack is 150 ml and it will take a long time. Contains vitamins, lotus extract, chamomile and rubbing gel, all the nutrients penetrate the skin. All products come with a protective film.

Došli smo do White Crow Glacial More kreme, namenjene za hidrataciju, borbi protiv bora i izbeljivanju flekica. Sadrži biljne ekstrakte poput maline, borovnice, ruzmarina, lavande, origana... Pri vrhu sastojaka je Niacinamid, odnosno vitamin B3, čija je primena jako široka - borba protiv bora, mikroba, lučenja sebuma, obnavlja slojeve kože i pomaže kod pigmentacije. Krema je bele boje, gusta je ali gelaste teksture. Upija se jako brzo i ne ostavlja trag na koži. Hidrira i ostavlja kožu izuzetno mekanom. Ne izaziva nikakve iritacije, niti probleme na koži. Ima 100 ml i uz kremu se dobija i špatula. Špatulica je odlična stvar jer ne dozvoljava da se bakterije sa ruku prenesu i razvijaju u kremi. I špatula i poklopac imaju Elizavecca logo, što je jako slatko.

We came up to White Crow Glacial More Cream, designed to hydrate, fight with wrinkles and bleach blemishes. Contains herbal extracts such as raspberries, blueberries, rosemary, lavender, oregano ... Top of the ingredients is Niacinamide, or Vitamin B3, which is widely used - anti-wrinkles, germs, sebum secretion, restores layers of skin and helps with pigmentation. The cream is white in color, thick but gel-like in texture. It absorbs very quickly and leaves no mark on the skin. Moisturizes and leaves skin extremely soft. It does not cause any irritation or skin problems. It has 100 ml and a cream spatula. A spatula is a great thing because it does not allow the bacteria to transfer and develop in the cream. Both the spatula and the lid have an Elizavecca logo, which is very sweet.

I na kraju dolazimo do 24 K Gold maske za lice sa ekstraktom puževe sluzi, hijaluronskom kiselinom, ektraktom propolisa, alantoinom i česticama 24 K zlata. Maska je jako lepo natopljena i može da se koristi dva puta. U sebi ima zaista sitne, zlatne čestice. Hidrira, obnavlja kožu i vraća joj blistavost. Pomaže da se zacele sitna oštećenja i da koža dobije zdrav izgled uz pomoć biljnih i fermentiranih elemenata. Već sam pisala koliko volim proizvode sa puževom sluzi i ova maska mi je baš odgovarala.

And finally we come to the 24 K Gold Face Mask pack with Snail Slime Extract, Hyaluronic Acid, Propolis Extract, Allantoin and 24 K Gold Particles. The mask is very well soaked and can be used twice. It has really tiny, gold particles in it. It hydrates, restores skin and restores radiance. It helps to heal the small lesions and give the skin a healthy appearance with the help of herbal and fermented elements. I already wrote how much I love snail mucus products, and this mask was a good fit for me.

U paketu sam dobila i dva testera i to Carbonated Bubble Clay maske i Hyaluronic acid 97% seruma. Masku imam u full size verziji i jako je volim. Odlična formula i cela zamisao sa balončićima. Maska odlično očisti koži, bez isušivanja i koža je jako mekana i čista. Ne izaziva nikve iritacije na koži. Jedna od omiljenih maski za čišćenje. 
Serum mi se isto dopao jer mojoj koži jako prija hijaluronska kiselina. Njena funkcija je da vezuje vodu i to 1000 puta većoj od svoje težine. Hidrira, obnavlja kožu i bori se protiv bora. Serum sadrži čak 97% ove kiseline i ne sadrži štetne sastojke. Veoma se lepo upija i ostavlja blistavost na koži.

I also got two testers in the pack, Carbonated Bubble Clay Masks and Hyaluronic Acid 97% Serum. I have the mask in full size version and I love it very much. Great formula and whole idea with balloons. The mask cleans the skin perfectly, without drying out, and the skin is very soft and clear. It does not cause any irritation to the skin. One of your favorite cleansing masks.

I liked the serum because hyaluronic acid is very good for my skin. Its function is to bind water 1000 times its weight. Hydrates, regenerates skin and fights wrinkles. Serum contains as much as 97% of this acid and contains no harmful ingredients. It absorbs very nicely and leaves a radiance on the skin.

Pošto imam sve potrebne proizvode za dubinsko čišćenje i ozbiljnu hidrataciju kože, idemo u kupatilo i da vidimo ove proizvode na delu.

Since I have all the necessary products for deep cleansing and serious skin hydration, we go to the bathroom and see these products at work.


Posle njega maska za čišćenje, koja se posle nekog vremena pretvara u mnoštvo balončića:

After that, a cleansing mask, which after a while turns into a lot of bubbles:

Posle čišćenja ide maska za dubinsku negu:

After cleansing goes the deep care mask:

Na ovoj slici se vide zlatne čestice:

This image shows gold particles:

Zatim serum/Then serum:

I na kraju krema za lice:

And finally the face cream:

Koža je očišćenja i hidrirana. Nema iritacije, niti crvenila. Pod rukom je jako mekana.

The skin is cleansed and hydrated. No irritation, no redness. It is very soft.

Samo jedan mali osvrt na fioku u mom kupatilu, gde mi stoje proizvodi za negu kože i vidi se koliko su zastupljeni Elizavecca proizvodi u odnosu na druge. :) 

Da li ste probale nešto od ovih proizvoda?

Just one little look at the drawer in my bathroom, where my skin care products stand and see how prevalent Elizavecca products are compared to others. :)

Have you tried any of these products?

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