Mesecima već koristim kozmetiku iz Koreje i jako sam zadovoljna njihovim proizvodima. Pre nekih mesec dana mi je stigao paket sa proizvodima brenda Elizavecca. Do tada sam probala samo njhovu Bubble masku i radovala sam se da probam i ostale proizvode. Poznati su po tome što jako puno pažnje posvećuju pakovanjima i svaki proizvod ima neku svoju priču u skladu sa namenom.
I already use
cosmetics from Korea for months, and I'm very pleased with their products. A
month ago I got a package with products of the brand Elizavecca. Until then I
tried only their Bubble mask and I was glad to try other products. They are
known for paying much attention to the packaging and each product has its own
story in line with the purpose.
Elizavecca Witch piggy Hell-pore EGF special Ample
Serum je namenjen hidrataciji kože i povećanju elastičnosti. Dolazi u staklenom pakovanju od 50 ml i ima pipetu. Lako se dozira i dovoljne su dve doze za celo lice i vrat. Ređe je teksture pa se brzo razmazuje i upija u kožu. Odlična je podloga za šminku ujutru a uveče ga koristim pre noćne kreme. Pogodan je za suvu kožu i kožu koja gubi čvrstinu. Moja nije takva ali imam problem sa suvim delovima i perutanjem. Odlično mi zagladi kožu a ne ostavlja masan trag na koži.
The serum is designed to hydrate the skin and increase elasticity. It comes in a 50 ml glass pack and has a pipette. It is easy to dosage and there are two doses for the entire face and neck. It has a rare texture, so it smears quickly and absorbs into the skin. It is a great foundation for makeup in the morning and I use it before night cream. Suitable for dry skin and skin that loses firmness. My own is not like that, but I have a problem with dry parts and dandruff. It perfectly smooths my skin and leaves no trace on the skin.
The serum is designed to hydrate the skin and increase elasticity. It comes in a 50 ml glass pack and has a pipette. It is easy to dosage and there are two doses for the entire face and neck. It has a rare texture, so it smears quickly and absorbs into the skin. It is a great foundation for makeup in the morning and I use it before night cream. Suitable for dry skin and skin that loses firmness. My own is not like that, but I have a problem with dry parts and dandruff. It perfectly smooths my skin and leaves no trace on the skin.
Elizavecca Milky piggy Hell-Pore LongoLongo Gronique Diamond Mask Pack
Peel-off srebrna maska dolazi u pakovanju od 100 ml. Smeštena je u preslatku tubicu, koja ima zaštitnu foliju. Pakovanje je skroz ludo i preslatko, oduševilo me je. Maska je sa biljnim ekstraktima, vitaminima i dijamantskim sastojcima. Pomaže da se koža dubinski očisti, oslobodi od prljavština i toksina, izazvanim spoljnim uticajima. Nanosi se u tankom sloju na celo lice, izbegavajući područje oko očiju i sačeka se da se skroz osuši. Obično to bude oko 20 minuta. Maska krene da se steže i da puca po ivicama. Tada se blago oljušti sa lica. Izvlači mitisere i koža je posle mekana na dodir. Može da se koristi nekoliko puta nedeljno, u zavisnosti od potreba kože. Takođe, ne mora da se koristi za celo lice, kao što je i ne koristim uvek. Kada god osetim da su mi pore pune, stavim masku na ciljano područje. Jednom nedeljno ili jednom u dve nedelje je nanesem na celo lice, kako bih dubinski očistila kožu. Kada se skine maska na njoj se vidi nečistoća iz pora, tako da odlično čisti i izvlači mitisere.
The peel-off silver mask comes in a 100 ml pack. It is located in a luscious tub, which has a protective foil. The package is completely crazy and too sweet, it delighted me. The mask is with herbal extracts, vitamins and diamond ingredients. It helps to clear deep the skin, free from dirt and toxins, caused by external influences. It is applied in a thin layer to the entire face, avoiding the area around the eye and waiting to dry complete. It usually takes about 20 minutes. The mask starts to get tighten and it shoots at the edges. Then it take off slightly from the face. Pulls out the blackheads and the skin is soft on the touch. It can be used several times a week, depending on the skin's needs. Also, it does not have to be used for the whole face, as I do not always use it. Whenever I feel that my pores are full, I put my mask on the targeted area. Once a week or once every two weeks I apply it on the whole face to clear deep the skin. When the mask is removed from it, the impurities from the pores can be seen, so it cleans well and extracts the blackheads.
The peel-off silver mask comes in a 100 ml pack. It is located in a luscious tub, which has a protective foil. The package is completely crazy and too sweet, it delighted me. The mask is with herbal extracts, vitamins and diamond ingredients. It helps to clear deep the skin, free from dirt and toxins, caused by external influences. It is applied in a thin layer to the entire face, avoiding the area around the eye and waiting to dry complete. It usually takes about 20 minutes. The mask starts to get tighten and it shoots at the edges. Then it take off slightly from the face. Pulls out the blackheads and the skin is soft on the touch. It can be used several times a week, depending on the skin's needs. Also, it does not have to be used for the whole face, as I do not always use it. Whenever I feel that my pores are full, I put my mask on the targeted area. Once a week or once every two weeks I apply it on the whole face to clear deep the skin. When the mask is removed from it, the impurities from the pores can be seen, so it cleans well and extracts the blackheads.
Elizavecca Milky piggy Silky Creamy Donkey Steam Cream Mask Pack
Maska za lice sa magarećim mlekom je namenjena dubinskoj hidrataciji i osvežavanju lica. Potpuno je drugačija od drugih sheet maski jer je natopljena kremom a ne serumom. Zaista dubinski nahrani, vraća vlagu a koža je izuzetno mekana i ima zdrav sjaj. Može da se koristi 2 puta jer je odlično natopljena.
The face mask with the donkey milk is intended for deep hydration and refreshment of the face. It is completely different from other sheet masks because it is soaked with cream not with serum. It really deep feeds the skin, restores moisture and the skin is extremely soft and has a healthy glow. It can be used 2 times because it is perfectly soaked.
The face mask with the donkey milk is intended for deep hydration and refreshment of the face. It is completely different from other sheet masks because it is soaked with cream not with serum. It really deep feeds the skin, restores moisture and the skin is extremely soft and has a healthy glow. It can be used 2 times because it is perfectly soaked.
Elizavecca Deep-power Ringer Mask Pack
I na kraju su ostale sheet maske sa čajnim drvetom i crvenim ženšenom. Ukupno postoji 10 različitih maski u ponudi, u skladu sa potrebama kože. Tea Tree maska je namenjena umirivanju, hidrataciji i ishrani kože a Red Ginseng ishrani kože, vraćanju vitalnosti i borbi protiv bora. Maske su odlično natopljene serumom i mogu se koristiti i do čak 3 puta. Nahrane kožu i daju joj zdrav sjaj. Moja koža je osetljiva i nisam imala problem ni sa jednim od ovih proizvoda.
And finally, they were left with masks with a tea tree and a red feminine. In total there are 10 different masks in the offer, according to the needs of the skin. The Tea Tree mask is intended for the calming down, hydration and nutrition of the skin, and Red Ginseng nourishes the skin, restores vitality and combat wrinkles. Masks are perfectly soaked with serums and can be used up to as many as 3 times. It nourishes the skin and gives it a healthy glow. My skin is sensitive and I have not had any problems with any of these products.
And finally, they were left with masks with a tea tree and a red feminine. In total there are 10 different masks in the offer, according to the needs of the skin. The Tea Tree mask is intended for the calming down, hydration and nutrition of the skin, and Red Ginseng nourishes the skin, restores vitality and combat wrinkles. Masks are perfectly soaked with serums and can be used up to as many as 3 times. It nourishes the skin and gives it a healthy glow. My skin is sensitive and I have not had any problems with any of these products.
Kako se vama čine ovi proizvodi? Da li ste koristile nešto od brenda Elizavecca?
Njihova kozmetika je zaista odlicna! Za sada sam probala serum i zaista sam odusevljena. Odlican tekst. <3