уторак, 25. јун 2019.

Elizavecca new products

Skoro mi je stigao novi paket od Elizavecca brenda i baš sam se radovala isprobavanju. Elizavecca proizvode jako volim i omiljeni su mi korejski brend. Definitivno se izdvajaju kvalitetom i inovativnim proizvodima. Pažljivo biraju sastojke i bore se da koža izgleda što je bolje moguće. Cenovno su pristupačni. Sve njihove proizvode možete pogledati na sajtu Elizavecca
Proizvodi stižu odlično upakovani, svi imaju zaštitnu foliju i do sada nikad nisam platila carinu. 

A new package from the Elizavecca brand has come to me, and I was really looking forward to testing it. Elizavecca products I love very much and It is my favorite Korean brand. They are definitely distinguished by quality and innovative products. Carefully select the ingredients and struggle to make the skin look as good as possible. They are affordable. All their products can be viewed on the Elizavecca website.The products arrive perfectly packed, they all have a protective film and so far I have never paid a customs duty.

Elizavecca Vitamin C 21% Ample maska me je baš oduševila. U sebi sadrži 21% stabilnog vitamina C, dosta negujućih sastojaka, biljnih ulja i ektrakta. Njena uloga je da otvori pore i izvuče sav sebum i nečistoće. Nanosi se na očišćenu kožu i odmah u dodiru sa kožom zagreva i otvara pore. Oseti se blago peckanje ali nestane kroz minut-dva. Nije mi izazvala nikakvu iritaciju, iako je moja koža jako osetljiva. Inače, preporučuje se da se uradi test na delu ruke ako imate osetljivu kožu, zbog visoke koncentracije Vitamina C. 
Inače Vitamin C je jako dobar za kožu i od skoro se nalazi u mnogim proizvodima. Pomaže u borbi protiv bora i bubuljica, izbeljuje flekice i štiti kožu od spoljašnjeg zagađenja. 
Koža posle maske je jako mekana, koža je blistavija i čistija. 
Pakovanje je ogromno i ima 100 grama. 

Elizavecca Vitamin C 21% Ample mask has thrilled me. It contains 21% of stable vitamin C, a lot of nourishing ingredients, vegetable oils and extracts. Her role is to open pores and extract all sebum and impurities. It is applied to the cleansed skin and immediately heats up with the skin and opens the pores. Feel mild tingling but it disappear in a minute or two. It did not cause any irritation, although my skin is very sensitive. Otherwise, it is recommended that a test be performed on the part of the hand if you have sensitive skin due to the high concentration of Vitamin C. Otherwise Vitamin C is very good for the skin and is almost in many products. It helps fight wrinkles and pimples, whitens flecks and protects the skin from external pollution.The skin after the mask is very soft, the skin is shimmer and cleaner.The package is huge and has 100 grams.

Sledeća maska, koju sam poručila je Collagen Jella pack. Ova maska je namenjena borbi protiv bora. U sebi sadrži kolagen i pomaže da se koži vrati elastičnost. Ima žele teksturu i prilagođava se obliku lica. Ono što je jako zanimljivo kod ove maske je to što se ona ne ispira. Sa njom sam više puta prespavala i koža je ujutru jako meka i hidrirana. Samo se nanese i masira lice oko 2 minuta. Ima jako dobre hidrirajuće i anti age sastojke. Nije mi izazvala nikakvu iritaciju. 
Pakovana je kao i Vitamin C maska, u plastičnoj teglici od 100 grama. Dobija se špatula za nanošenje, što je odlično zbog higijene. 
Efekat je odličan i jako mi se dopada.

The next mask, which I ordered is Collagen Jella pack. This mask is designed to fight with wrinkles. It contains collagen and helps to restore elasticity to the skin. She wants texture and adapts to face shape. What is very interesting about this mask is that it does not rinse. I slept with her several times and the skin in the morning is very soft and hydrated. Just apply and massage your face for about 2 minutes. It has very good hydrating and anti age ingredients. It did not cause me any irritation. It is packed as well as Vitamin C mask, in a plastic jar of 100 grams. A spatula is applied for application, which is excellent for hygiene.The effect is excellent and I really like it.

Power Ringer Collagen Deep mask pack sadrži hidrolizirani kolagen. Namenjena je hidriranju, povećanju elastičnosti i borbi protiv bora. Poboljšava teksturu kože i ona postaje glatka i sjajna. Pored kolagena i glicerina, sadrži dosta voćnih sastojaka, koji pomažu u regeneraciji kože.
Nanosi se na čistu kožu i drži 15-20 minuta. Sadrži dosta esencije i može se koristiti za dve upotrebe. 
Obožavam Power Ringer maske i sve su mi odlične. Sve preporuke za njih.

Power Ringer Collagen Deep mask pack contains hydrolysed collagen. It is intended for hydration, increasing elasticity and fighting wrinkles. It improves the texture of the skin and it becomes smooth and shiny. In addition to collagen and glycerin, it contains a lot of fruity ingredients that help regenerate the skin.

Apply to clean skin and hold for 15-20 minutes. It contains a lot of essence and can be used for two uses.

I love the Power Ringer Masks and everything is great. All the recommendations for them.

Elizavecca 24K Gold mask pack je takođe namenjena borbi protiv bora. Luksuzna nega učvršćuje kožu i poboljšava sjaj. Sadrži kombinaciju biljnih i fermentisanih sastojaka, poput hijaluronske kiseline, alantoina, ekstrakta propolisa,ekstrakta grejpfruta... Hidrira i čini kožu vidno blistavnom. Nanosi se na očišćenu kožu i drži 15-20 minuta. Posle upotrebe koža mnogo bolje izgleda. Ostatak seruma utrljam u vrat i dekolte.

Elizavecca 24K Gold mask pack is also designed to combat wrinkles. Luxurious care strengthens skin and improves glow. It contains a combination of herbal and fermented ingredients, such as hyaluronic acid, allantoin, propolis extract, grapefruit extract ... Hydrates and makes the skin visibly splashy. Apply to cleansed skin and hold for 15-20 minutes. After using it the skin looks much better. I rub the rest of the serum into the neck and neckline.

Jako sam zadovoljna svim proizvodima. Definitivno se vidi razlika i koža mi je mnogo lepša. Do sada nisam probala Elizavecca proizvod, koji me nije oduševio.

Koji je vaš omiljeni Elizavecca proizvod?

I am very satisfied with all products. Definitely see the difference and my skin is much nicer. So far, I have not tried the Elizavecca product, which did not delight me.

What is your favorite Elizavecca product?

1 коментар:

  1. Oh very nice products. I am fan of korean products of skincare abnd i never tried this brand before. Thanks for share with us
