Znate da jako volim Elizavecca proizvode. Kada bih morala da biram samo jedan brend za negu kože, to bi sigurno bila Elizavecca. Dosta dobrih sastojaka, spakovanih u prelepu ambalažu i po pristupačnoj ceni. Svi proizvodi zaista rade ono što piše i sa njima nema greške.
You know I really love Elizavecca products. If I had to choose only one brand for skin care, it would certainly be Elizavecca. A lot of good ingredients, packed in beautiful packaging and at an affordable price. All products really do what they write and there is no mistake with them.
You know I really love Elizavecca products. If I had to choose only one brand for skin care, it would certainly be Elizavecca. A lot of good ingredients, packed in beautiful packaging and at an affordable price. All products really do what they write and there is no mistake with them.
Elastic Pore Cleansing Foam dolazi u divnoj kutiji sa printom. Dopada mi se to što veliku pažnju posvećuju pakovanjima pa je sve slatko i unutar kutije. Pena dolazi u srebrnoj tubi od 120 ml. Sam proizvod je crn, gust i u dodiru sa vodom se pretvara u penu. Potrebna je mala količina.
Umasira se u kožu i ispere se. Jako dobro očisti kožu, pomaže u borbi sa bubuljicama a ne isušuje kožu. Koža je dubinski čista, bez crvenila i bez iritacije.
Sadrži u sebi 5% aktivnog uglja i skida sve nećistoće i ostatke šminke. Pored toga tu su i kolagen, koji pomaže u hidrataciji i borbi protiv bora.
Elastic Pore Cleansing Foam comes in a wonderful printable box. I like the fact that they pay great attention to the packaging so everything is sweet inside the box. The foam comes in a silver 120 ml tube. The product itself is black, thick and in contact with water turns into foam. A small amount is needed.
It is massaged in the skin and washed. It cleanses the skin very well, helps fight the pimples and does not dry out the skin. The skin is profoundly clean, without redness and without irritation.
It contains 5% charcoal and removes all impurities and remnants of makeup. In addition, there is also collagen, which helps in the hydration and fight against wrinkles.
Elastic Pore Cleansing Foam comes in a wonderful printable box. I like the fact that they pay great attention to the packaging so everything is sweet inside the box. The foam comes in a silver 120 ml tube. The product itself is black, thick and in contact with water turns into foam. A small amount is needed.
It is massaged in the skin and washed. It cleanses the skin very well, helps fight the pimples and does not dry out the skin. The skin is profoundly clean, without redness and without irritation.
It contains 5% charcoal and removes all impurities and remnants of makeup. In addition, there is also collagen, which helps in the hydration and fight against wrinkles.
Donkey Milky EGF Cling Eye Patch sadrže magareće mleko i ektrakt i EGF. EGF je faktor rasta. On obnavlja dubinski našu kožu. Poslednjih godina je jako popularan sastojak u nezi kože zbog svojih prednosti. Ove maske za ispod očiju hidriraju, izbeljuju podočnjake, pomažu da se koži vrati lep izgled i elastičnost. Pakovanje je divno, teglica sa špatulom i uz pomoć nje se nanose maske. U pakovanju se dobija 60 komada, što je veoma izdašno. Maske su odlično natpljene serumom i svaka ima svoju zaštitnu foliju. Moaram da napomenem da svi Elizavecca proizvodi dolaze u zaštitnoj foliji.
Maske pomažu kod tamnih kolutova, jako lepo osveže koži i moja popije sav serum. Posle njih je koža mekana i oseća se pod prstima da je hidrirana. Dosta biljnih ekstrakta i hidrirajućih sastojaka pomažu da se otkloni umor i da koža izgleda lepše.
Donkey Milky EGF Cling Eye Patch contains donkey milk and ectract and EGF. EGF is a growth factor. It restores our skin to the depths. In recent years, it is a very popular ingredient in skin care because of its benefits. These mask underneath the eyes hydrate, bleach the undercoat, help to restore the appearance and elasticity of the skin. The package is beautiful, a jar with a spatula and with the help of it is applied masks. In the package, 60 pieces are obtained, which is very generous. Masks are perfectly serum-like and each has its own protective film. I must to mention that all Elizavecca products come in protective foil. Masks help with dark rings, very well refreshes the skin and my drink all serum. After them, the skin is soft and feels under the fingers that it is hydrated. A lot of plant extracts and hydrating ingredients help to eliminate tiredness
and make the skin look better.
Donkey Milky EGF Cling Eye Patch contains donkey milk and ectract and EGF. EGF is a growth factor. It restores our skin to the depths. In recent years, it is a very popular ingredient in skin care because of its benefits. These mask underneath the eyes hydrate, bleach the undercoat, help to restore the appearance and elasticity of the skin. The package is beautiful, a jar with a spatula and with the help of it is applied masks. In the package, 60 pieces are obtained, which is very generous. Masks are perfectly serum-like and each has its own protective film. I must to mention that all Elizavecca products come in protective foil. Masks help with dark rings, very well refreshes the skin and my drink all serum. After them, the skin is soft and feels under the fingers that it is hydrated. A lot of plant extracts and hydrating ingredients help to eliminate tiredness
and make the skin look better.
Black Solution Bubble Serum Mask Pack je još jedna fenomenalna maska iz Elizavecca kolekcije. Odlično natopljena maramica crne boje, koja posle nekoliko minuta peni. Dubinski očisti kožu i pomaže da pore postanu manje. Dolazi sa zaštitnom folijom i lako se koristi. Nanese se na kožu i utrlja serum. Drži se na licu 10-20 minuta. Pomaže da flekice posvetle. Posle upotrebe, koža je izuzetno mekana i nežna. Vidi se da je koža čistija. Ne peče, ne izaziva nikakvo crvenilo niti iritacije. Ima dobar balans sastojaka za dubinsko čišćenje i hidrataciju.
Black Solution Bubble Serum Mask Pack is another phenomenal mask from Elizavecca's collection. A perfectly soaked black handkerchief, which penetrates after a few minutes. Deep cleanses the skin and helps pores become smaller. It comes with a protective foil and is easy to use. Apply to the skin and rinse the serum. Hold on for 10-20 minutes. Helps flickers lighten. After use, the skin is extremely soft and gentle. It looks like the skin is cleaner. It does not bake, it does not cause any redness or irritation. It has a good balance of ingredients for deep cleansing and hydration.
Black Solution Bubble Serum Mask Pack is another phenomenal mask from Elizavecca's collection. A perfectly soaked black handkerchief, which penetrates after a few minutes. Deep cleanses the skin and helps pores become smaller. It comes with a protective foil and is easy to use. Apply to the skin and rinse the serum. Hold on for 10-20 minutes. Helps flickers lighten. After use, the skin is extremely soft and gentle. It looks like the skin is cleaner. It does not bake, it does not cause any redness or irritation. It has a good balance of ingredients for deep cleansing and hydration.
EGF Deep Power Ringer Mask Pack takođe sadrži EGF sastojak. Maska pomaže u borbi sa borama, daje svežiji i zdraviji izgled. Odlično je natopljena i dubinski hidrira kožu. EGF zadržava vlagu unutar kože. Maska se nanosi na čistu kožu i drži 15-20 minuta. Preostali serum se umasira u lice, vrat i dekolte. Koža je jako mekana i hidrirana, nije potrebna krema posle nje. Maramica lepo prijanja i dovoljno je velika da obuhvati celo lice. Obožavam maske iz ove kolekcije, jako su povoljne a prednosti su zaista velike. Za ok cenu se dobija maska sa odličnim sastojcima.
EGF Deep Power Ringer Mask Pack also contains an EGF ingredient. The mask helps fight wrinkles, gives a fresher and healthier look. It is perfectly soaked and deepens hydrates the skin. EGF retains moisture within the skin. Apply the mask to clean skin and hold for 15-20 minutes. The remaining serum is dented into the face, neck and neckline. The skin is very soft and hydrated, no cream is needed after it. The handkerchief is nice and it is large enough to cover the whole face. I love masks from this collection, they are very affordable and the benefits are really great. For a good price, a mask with excellent ingredients is obtained.
EGF Deep Power Ringer Mask Pack also contains an EGF ingredient. The mask helps fight wrinkles, gives a fresher and healthier look. It is perfectly soaked and deepens hydrates the skin. EGF retains moisture within the skin. Apply the mask to clean skin and hold for 15-20 minutes. The remaining serum is dented into the face, neck and neckline. The skin is very soft and hydrated, no cream is needed after it. The handkerchief is nice and it is large enough to cover the whole face. I love masks from this collection, they are very affordable and the benefits are really great. For a good price, a mask with excellent ingredients is obtained.
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