Jedva sam čekala da stignu novi Elizavecca noviteti i da krenem da koristim. Znate da se uvek oduševim inovativnim formulama i kvalitetnim proizvodima. Od kad koristim Elizavecca proizvode, mnogo mi je bolja tekstura kože i ona je znatno bolje hidrirana. Nemam problema sa suvim delovima i bore su umanjene. Danas pričamo o Hwa Yu Hong esenciji za lice, Real whitening time Secret pilling kremi za lice i Silky creamy Donkey steam kremastoj maski za lice.
I couldn't wait for the new Elizavecca novelties to arrive and start using. You know that I always admire innovative formulas and quality products. Since using Elizavecca products, my skin texture is much better and it is significantly better hydrated. I have no problem with the dry parts and the wrinkles are reduced. Today we're talking about Hwa Yu Hong Facial Essence, Real whitening time Secret pilling face cream and Silky creamy Donkey steam mask pack.
Hwa Yu Hong esencija za lice dolazi u predivnom cvetnom pakovanju. Svaki proizvod ima zaštitnu foliju što mi je veoma važno zbog higijene. Sam proizvod je vodenasto-gelaste teksture. Ima jako lep i prijatan miris. Nanosi se posle detaljnog čišćenja kože, pamučnim tuferom. Otvor je mali i sigurno neće da iscuri previše proizvoda. Pakovanje je od 200 ml, što je stvarno dosta dobra količina. Koža je posle ove esencije jako mekana i hidrirana. Sastojci su jako dobri-glicerin i dosta biljnih ektrakta. Nisam skoro videla da proizvod ovog tipa ima toliko korisnih sastojaka. Tu je i alkohol ali me nije iritirao, niti izazvao crvenilo. U Koreji se on koristi i ako njihove žene imaju savršenu kožu a koriste alkohol u pojedinim proizvodima, ko sam ja da se bunim? :)
Obožavam proizvode koji pružaju i čišćenje i hidrataciju a to imam sa ovom esencijom. Kreće hladnije vreme i meni se tada užasno suši koža pa ću ovaj proizvod svakodnevno da koristim.
Hwa Yu Hong face essence comes in a beautiful floral package. Each product has a protective film which is very important to me because of hygiene. The product itself is of a water-gel texture. It has a very nice and pleasant smell. It is applied after a thorough cleansing of the skin, with a cotton buffer. The opening is small and will certainly not leak too much product. The pack is 200 ml, which is a really good amount. After this essence, the skin is very soft and moisturized. The ingredients are very good-glycerin and plenty of herbal extracts. I have never seen a product of this type have so many useful ingredients. There is also alcohol but it did not irritate me or cause redness. In Korea, it is used even if their women have perfect skin and use alcohol in certain products, who am I to rebel? :)
I love products that provide both cleansing and hydration that I have with this essence. The colder weather starts and my skin dries so I will use this product daily.
Pošto mi je koža u lošem stanju i imam problem sa mitiserima, odličila sam se za Real whitening time Secret pilling kremu za lice. Dopala mi se jer ima hidratantne sastojke ali i niacinamid i glikolnu kiselinu. Uloga glikolne kiseline je da skine površinski sloj kože i samim tim radi piling kože. Kada koristimo proizvode sa glikolnom kiselinom, moramo da izbegavamo sunce i zato ovu kremu nanosim uveče. Niacinamid je ustvari vinamin B3. Njegova namena je da dubinski
čisti pore i smanjuje tamne fleke. Pomaže kod kože sa aknama ili kod
kože kojoj je potrebna regeneracija. Od hidrirajućih sastojaka pri vrhu su glicerin i alantoin, koji vlaže kožu.
Tekstura kreme je gusta ali se jako lepo razmazuje i upija. Koža je izuzetno mekana posle upotrebe. Može da se koristi kao klasična krema ili da se koristi za masažu lica. Ima 100 ml proizvoda, što je baš dosta i dugo će trajati.
Since my skin is in bad shape and I have a problem with mitters, I choose Real whitening time Secret pilling face cream. I liked it because it has moisturizing ingredients but also niacinamide and glycolic acid. The role of glycolic acid is to remove the surface layer of the skin and therefore exfoliate the skin. When we are using products with glycolic acid, we have to avoid the sun, which is why I apply this cream in the evening. Niacinamide is actually vinamin B3. Its purpose is to deep clean pores and reduce dark spots. Helps with acne skin or skin that needs regeneration. The top hydrating ingredients are glycerin and allantoin, which moisturizes the skin.
The texture of the cream is thick but it is very nice to smear and absorb. The skin is extremely soft after use. It can be used as a classic cream or used for facial massage. It has 100 ml of product, which is quite a lot and will last a long time.
Silky creamy Donkey steam maska za lice sa magarećim mlekom je namenjena dubinskoj hidrataciji i
osvežavanju lica. Benefiti magarećeg mleka su poznati od davnina. Još se Kleopatra kupala u njemu i time održavala lepotu svoje kože. Sam sastav mleka je specifičan, sadrži veliku količinu vitamina i omega 6 masnih kiselina. Sem magarećeg mleka tu su biljna ulja, glicerin, alantoin, šea buter..
Maska je potpuno drugačija od drugih sheet maski jer je natopljena kremom a ne serumom. Zaista dubinski nahrani, vraća vlagu a koža je izuzetno mekana i ima zdrav sjaj. Može da se koristi 2 puta jer je odlično natopljena.
Silky creamy Donkey steam mask pack is designed for deep hydration and facial refreshment. Benefits of donkey milk have been known since ancient times. Cleopatra was bathing in it, maintaining the beauty of her skin. The milk itself is specific, contains a large amount of vitamins and omega 6 fatty acids. In addition to donkey milk there are vegetable oils, glycerin, allantoin, shea butter. The mask is completely different from other sheet masks because it is soaked with cream not serum. It really nourishes deeply, restores moisture and the skin is extremely soft and has a healthy glow. It can be used 2 times because it is well soaked.
Kako se vama dopadaju Elizavecca proizvodi? Koji biste mi preporučili da probam?
How do you like Elizavecca products? Which one would you recommend for me to try?
Obožavam proizvode koji pružaju i čišćenje i hidrataciju a to imam sa ovom esencijom. Kreće hladnije vreme i meni se tada užasno suši koža pa ću ovaj proizvod svakodnevno da koristim.
Hwa Yu Hong face essence comes in a beautiful floral package. Each product has a protective film which is very important to me because of hygiene. The product itself is of a water-gel texture. It has a very nice and pleasant smell. It is applied after a thorough cleansing of the skin, with a cotton buffer. The opening is small and will certainly not leak too much product. The pack is 200 ml, which is a really good amount. After this essence, the skin is very soft and moisturized. The ingredients are very good-glycerin and plenty of herbal extracts. I have never seen a product of this type have so many useful ingredients. There is also alcohol but it did not irritate me or cause redness. In Korea, it is used even if their women have perfect skin and use alcohol in certain products, who am I to rebel? :)
I love products that provide both cleansing and hydration that I have with this essence. The colder weather starts and my skin dries so I will use this product daily.
Tekstura kreme je gusta ali se jako lepo razmazuje i upija. Koža je izuzetno mekana posle upotrebe. Može da se koristi kao klasična krema ili da se koristi za masažu lica. Ima 100 ml proizvoda, što je baš dosta i dugo će trajati.
Since my skin is in bad shape and I have a problem with mitters, I choose Real whitening time Secret pilling face cream. I liked it because it has moisturizing ingredients but also niacinamide and glycolic acid. The role of glycolic acid is to remove the surface layer of the skin and therefore exfoliate the skin. When we are using products with glycolic acid, we have to avoid the sun, which is why I apply this cream in the evening. Niacinamide is actually vinamin B3. Its purpose is to deep clean pores and reduce dark spots. Helps with acne skin or skin that needs regeneration. The top hydrating ingredients are glycerin and allantoin, which moisturizes the skin.
The texture of the cream is thick but it is very nice to smear and absorb. The skin is extremely soft after use. It can be used as a classic cream or used for facial massage. It has 100 ml of product, which is quite a lot and will last a long time.
Maska je potpuno drugačija od drugih sheet maski jer je natopljena kremom a ne serumom. Zaista dubinski nahrani, vraća vlagu a koža je izuzetno mekana i ima zdrav sjaj. Može da se koristi 2 puta jer je odlično natopljena.
Silky creamy Donkey steam mask pack is designed for deep hydration and facial refreshment. Benefits of donkey milk have been known since ancient times. Cleopatra was bathing in it, maintaining the beauty of her skin. The milk itself is specific, contains a large amount of vitamins and omega 6 fatty acids. In addition to donkey milk there are vegetable oils, glycerin, allantoin, shea butter. The mask is completely different from other sheet masks because it is soaked with cream not serum. It really nourishes deeply, restores moisture and the skin is extremely soft and has a healthy glow. It can be used 2 times because it is well soaked.
Kako se vama dopadaju Elizavecca proizvodi? Koji biste mi preporučili da probam?
How do you like Elizavecca products? Which one would you recommend for me to try?
seems a great cream!
ОдговориИзбришиHAPPY WEEK
Ja ove proizvode, nisam probala, alimi ova pakovanja za pocetak deluju preslatko 😍.
ОдговориИзбришиA onda sam proizvod deluje super za probati 😊