недеља, 26. јануар 2020.

Elizavecca New in - januar 2020 + Nagrađivanje

Dugo me nije bilo ali se polako vraćam pisanju postova. Danas vam pišem utiske o novom paketu brenda Elizavecca. Već neko vreme isprobavam ove proizvode i veoma sam zadovoljna učinkom. Reč je o Longolongo Granique Gold Mask Pack, 24 Gold Water Dual Snail Mask Pack i Real Whitening Vita-Sauce 30. 

I've been gone for a long time, but I'm slowly returning to writing posts. Today I am writing you my impressions of the new Elizavecca brand package. I have been trying out these products for a while now and am very happy with the effect. These are Longolongo Granique Gold Mask Pack, 24 Gold Water Dual Snail Mask Pack and Real Whitening Vita-Sauce 30.

Elizavecca Longolongo Granique Gold Mask Pack dolazi u velikom pakovanju od 100 ml. Sama kutija je jako lepo odrađena, sve se presijava i zanimljivo se otvara. Sve sam vam slikala, kako bih vam prenela utiske. Znate da ja padam na te stvari i uvek me oduševe lepa pakovanja.
Sama maska je gusta, zlatne boje i nanosi se na kritična mesta. Gde god postoje mitiseri, tu mažem masku. Lako se raspoređuje po licu i suši se za nekih 20 minuta. Kada se skroz osuši, samo se skine sa lica u jednom potezu-kao folija. Izvlači sve mitisere i koža je čista posle nje. Ovakve maske obično ne daju neke velike rezultate ali ova je zaista vredna pažnje. Za sve nas, koji imamo problematičnu kožu, ovo je pravi spas. Za nekih 20 minuta, odlaze svi mitiseri.

Elizavecca Longolongo Granique Gold Mask Pack comes in a large pack of 100 ml. The box itself is very nicely done, everything shines through and interestingly opens. I took a picture of everything for you to convey you impressions. You know I love that stuff and I'm always impresed by the pretty packaging.
The mask itself is thick, golden in color and applied to critical areas. Wherever there are blackheads, I rub my mask. It is easy to spread over your face and dries in about 20 minutes. When it is completely dry, it is only removed from the face in one go - like foil. It pulls out all the blackheads and the skin is clear after it. Masks like this don't usually produce great results, but this one is really worth the attention. For all of us who have problematic skin, this is a real salvation. In about 20 minutes, all the blackheads leave.

Elizavecca Real Whitening Vita-Sauce 30 je vitamin C serum i dolazi u bočici od 50 ml. Ono što me uvek oduševi kod Elizavecca brenda su količine. Svaki proizvod ima ozbiljnu količinu. 
Bočica ima pipetu a sam serum je žućkaste boje. Veoma brzo se upija u kožu i ne ostavlja nikakav trag. Ne pecka kožu i ne izaziva crvenilo.
Inače Vitamin C je jako dobar za kožu i od skoro se nalazi u mnogim proizvodima. Pomaže u borbi protiv bora i bubuljica, izbeljuje flekice i štiti kožu od spoljašnjeg zagađenja. 
Koža posle seruma je jako mekana, koža je blistavija i čistija. Koristim ga svako drugo, treće veče i primećuje se razlika u teksturi kože.

Elizavecca Real Whitening Vita-Sauce 30 is a vitamin C serum and comes in a 50 ml bottle. What always impresses me about the Elizavecc brand is the quantities.
Each product has a serious amount.The bottle has a pipette and the serum itself is yellowish in color. It absorbs into the skin very quickly and leaves no trace. It does not rub the skin and does not cause redness.
Otherwise Vitamin C is very good for the skin and is almost always found in many products. Helps fight wrinkles and pimples, whitens stains and protects skin from external pollution.
The skin after the serum is very soft, the skin is brighter and cleaner. I use it every second, third evening and there is a difference in the texture of the skin.

I na kraju dolazimo do 24 K Gold  Water Dual Snail maske za lice sa ekstraktom puževe sluzi, hijaluronskom kiselinom, ektraktom propolisa, alantoinom i česticama 24 K zlata. Maska je jako lepo natopljena i može da se koristi dva puta. U sebi ima zaista sitne, zlatne čestice. Hidrira, obnavlja kožu i vraća joj blistavost. Pomaže da se zacele sitna oštećenja i da koža dobije zdrav izgled uz pomoć biljnih i fermentiranih elemenata. Već sam pisala koliko volim proizvode sa puževom sluzi i ova maska mi je baš odgovarala.

And finally we come to the 24 K Gold Water Dual Snail Mask pack with Snail Slime Extract, Hyaluronic Acid, Propolis Extract, Allantoin and 24 K Gold Particles. The mask is very well soaked and can be used twice. It has really tiny, gold particles in it. It hydrates, restores skin and restores radiance. It helps to heal the small lesions and give the skin a healthy appearance with the help of herbal and fermented elements. I already wrote how much I love snail mucus products, and this mask was a good fit for me.

Na poklon sam dobila i dva testera ali o njima sam pisala u prethodnom postu.
Pošto osam jako zadovoljna ovim brendom, želela sam da i neka od vas proba pa sam organizovala nagrađivanje. Na Instagram profilu možete da osvojite ova dva testera i još neke lepe makeup proizvode. Nadam se da če vam se dopasti.

Pišite mi da li vi koristite neke od ovih proizvoda?

I also received two testers as a gift, but I wrote about them in a previous post.
Since I am very pleased with this brand, I wanted some of you to try it, so I organized a rewarding event. You can win these two testers and some nice makeup products on Instagram profile. Hope you like it.
Send me a message, do you use any of these products?

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