недеља, 8. март 2020.

Elizavecca new in

Vreme je za novi paket brenda Elizavecca. Ovog puta sam naručila Peptide 3D fix Shooting Bubble Essence i Hell-Pore Perfect Wine Peeling Pad. Tu su i 24K Gold Mask Pack i testeri Carbonated Bubble Clay maske i Hyaluronic Acid 97% seruma
Pošto mi je koža u lošem stanju, odlučila sam se za tufere za cišćenje kože ali i esenciju za lice, koja bi mi dodatno hidrirala. Iz Peptide linije već koristim kremu za lice. Skoro je pri kraju i bila je u mojim poslednjim favoritima. Link tog posta možete pronaći klikom ovde.

It's time for a new Elizavecca brand package. This time I ordered the Peptide 3D fix Shooting Bubble Essence and Hell-Pore Perfect Wine Peeling Pad. There are also 24K Gold Mask Pack and Carbonated Bubble Clay Mask and Hyaluronic Acid 97% serum testers.
Since my skin is in bad shape, I opted for a skin cleanser, but also a face essence that would further hydrate me. From the Peptide line, I already use face cream. It's almost over and it was in my last favorites. You can find the link to this post by clicking here.

Hell-Pore Perfect Wine Peeling Pad dolaze u plastičnoj teglici. Ima ukupno 30 tufera i natopljeni su sa 200ml tečnosti. Ružičaste su boje, imaju jednu reljefnu stranu i jednu ravnu stranu. Imaju i prorez, kao džep, za lakše korišćenje. Samo se stavi na dva prsta i istrlja celo lice i vrat. Vrši piling ali ni malo se koža ne zacrveni, niti iritira. Na slici je moje lice posle pilinga, koje je inače osetljivo i reaguje burno. Na moje veliko zadovoljstvo ovaj tip pilinga mi sasvim odgovara pa bih preporučila i osobama koje imaju osetljivu kožu, kao ja.
Posle pilinga, koža je jako mekana i nežna, pore su sužne i manje se vide. Na tuferu ostaje dovoljno tečnosti da se nekoliko puta pređe lice, vrat pa i dekolte.
Sadrži ekstrakt vina, koji vrši eksfolijaciju kože i dodatno je zateže.

Hell-Pore Perfect Wine Peeling Pad comes in a plastic jar. There are a total of 30 cotton wool and soaked with 200ml of liquid. They are pink in color, with one embossed side and one flat side. They also have a slot, like a pocket, for easy use. Just put on two fingers and rub entire face and neck. It exfoliates but neither does the skin get red or irritated. Pictured is my face after exfoliation, which is otherwise sensitive and reacts violently. To my great satisfaction, this type of scrub suits me perfectly, so I would recommend it to people with sensitive skin, like myself.
After exfoliation, the skin is very soft and gentle, the pores are narrower and less visible. There is enough fluid on the cotton wool to cross the face, neck and neckline several times.
It contains wine extract, which exfoliates the skin and tightens it further.

Esencija, proizvod koji sam skoro uvela u svoju rutinu nege. Peptide kremu obožavam pa sam rešila da probam i esenciju iz iste linije. Dolazi u jako lepoj i elegantnoj bočici. Po principu pumpice je i izlazi taman onoliko proizvoda, koliko je dovoljno za celo lice. Ni manje, ni više. Kada se utrlja, pretvara se u blagu penu, koja narednim utrljavanjem nestaje. Jako se brzo upije i ostavlja kožu nežnom i hidriranom. Ne izaziva nikako crvenilo kože.
Peptide 3D fix Shooting Bubble Essence sadrži peptide, koji pomažu da koža održi elastičnost i ima bolju teksturu. Sadrži čak 48,8% Centella Asiatica, odnosno biljke koja je poznatija kod nas kao Gotu kola ili Tigrova trava. Pored toga tu je i 12% peptida za što bolju elastičnost kože. Cantella Asiatica pomaže da se koža regeneriše u dubljim slojevima. Po legendi, ovo je trava u kojoj su se tigrovi valjali posle borbi. Svojim lekovitim svojstvima je pomagala da se koža brže zaleči.
Essencija se nanese na kožu, sačeka oko 10 sekundi da se pojave balončići i utrlja u lice. 
Ne sadrži sulfate, parabene niti alkohol.

Essence, a product that I almost introduced into my care routine. I love Peptide cream so I decided to try the same line. It comes in a very nice and elegant bottle. By the principle of the pump, there are just as many products coming out, which is enough for the whole face. No less, no more. When rubbed, it turns into a mild foam, which disappears with subsequent rubbing. It absorbs very quickly and leaves skin feeling soft and hydrated. Does not cause any redness of the skin.
Peptide 3D fix Shooting Bubble Essence contains peptides, which help the skin maintain its elasticity and texture. Contains as much as 48.8% of Centella Asiatica, or a plant known to us as Gotu kola or Tiger grass. In addition, there is a 12% peptide for better skin elasticity. Cantella Asiatica helps to regenerate the skin in deeper layers. According to legend, this is the grass in which tigers rolled after fighting. Its healing properties have helped it heal the skin faster.
The essence is applied to the skin, wait about 10 seconds for the balloons to appear and rub in the face.
Contains no sulfates, parabens or alcohol.

Na slikama sam prikazala kako izgledaju Peptid krema i esencija na koži.

In the pictures I have shown what Peptide cream and essence look like on the skin.

I na kraju nam ostaju testeri, o kojima sam detaljno pisala u ovom postu i moja omiljena Elizavecca maska-24K Gold. Maska za lice je sa ekstraktom puževe sluzi, hijaluronskom kiselinom, ektraktom propolisa, alantoinom i česticama 24 K zlata. Maska je jako lepo natopljena i može da se koristi dva puta. U sebi ima zaista sitne, zlatne čestice. Hidrira, obnavlja kožu i vraća joj blistavost. Pomaže da se zacele sitna oštećenja i da koža dobije zdrav izgled uz pomoć biljnih i fermentiranih elemenata. Uvek mi dobro dođe kada se upali koža ili dubinski isuši. Obnovi je i hidrira. 

Da li ste probale neke od ovih proizvoda?

And finally, we're left with testers, which I wrote about in detail in this post, and my favorite Elizavecca mask-24K Gold. The face mask is with snail mucus extract, hyaluronic acid, propolis extract, allantoin and 24 K gold particles. The mask is very well soaked and can be used twice. It has really tiny, gold particles in it. It hydrates, restores skin and restores radiance. It helps to heal the small lesions and give the skin a healthy appearance with the help of herbal and fermented elements. It always comes in handy when the skin is inflamed or deep dried. Restores it and hydrates it.

Have you tried any of these products?

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