недеља, 5. мај 2019.


Pošto nas uskoro čekaju lepi dani, pokazujem vam neke stvari sa sajta Trendysuper.com. Na ovom sajtu postoji veliki izbor odeće, obuće i aksesoara. Sve je lepo raspoređeno i pregledno je. Meni je to zaista važno pri online kupovini. Cene su pristupačne i mnoge stvari su na sniženju.

As soon as we are waiting for beautiful days, I'll show you some things from Trendysuper.com. On this website there is a large selection of clothes, footwear and accessories. Everything is nicely arranged and transparent. To me, this is really important for online shopping. Prices are affordable and many things are on the big sale.

Jako mi se dopada što imaju baš modernu odeću i prate trendove. Takođe, odlično je jer ispod nekog artikla možete da vidite sve lepo opisano, kao i komentare korisnika. Imaju dosta veličina u ponudi. Neke stvari idu čak i do 5xl pa svako može da pronađe veličinu za sebe. Tu je i tabela sa tačnim merama, pa možete da sve lepo izmerite i vidite koja veličina vam tačno odgovara. Stvarno pohvalno jer malo sajtova tako detaljno prezentuju proizvode. Za svaki komad piše tačno i od kog je materijala. 
Meni su se posebno dopali topovi- Women's fashion tops i komadi za plažu- Womens beachwear. Mnogi komadi su na popustu 50% i još uvek je vreme da se uhvati na sniženju. Kada krene sezona, budu dosta skuplje.

I like the fact that they have very modern clothes and follow trends. Also, it's great because under any item you can see everything nicely described, as well as user comments. They have plenty of sizes in the offer. Some things go up to 5xl so everyone can find the size for themselves. There is also a table with exact measures, so you can measure everything nicely and see what size suits you exactly. It's really commendable because a few websites give a detailed presentation of the products. For each piece, it writes exactly and from which material.I especially liked Women's fashion Tops and Womens beachwear. Many pieces are at a discount of 50% and it's still time to catch on the discount. When the season starts, they are much more expensive.


Spaghetti Strap Plain Camis


Round Neck Decorative Lace Lace Blouses


Elegant Polka Dot Long Sleeve Shirt

Belo je elegantno a u isto vreme i sexy. Mene bela boja uvek asocira na čisto i rado je nosim. Odabrala sam ova tri topa/košulje i baš mi se dopadaju. Moderni su a i klasični. Smatram da ovakvi komadi nikad ne izlaze iz mode i odlično pristaju uz farmerke, kao na slici ali i uz pantalone nekih veselih boja.

White is elegant and at the same time sexy. To me, white color always looks clean and I am happy to wear it. I chose these three tops / shirts and I really like them. They are modern and classical. I think that these pieces never get out of fashion and they fit perfectly with the jeans, as in the picture, but also with the pants of some happy colors.


Off Shoulder Striped Batwing Sleeve Blouses

Jedna lagana bluzica, koja svima pristaje. Dostupna je i u većim veličinama i u još dve boje. Skroz je slatka i lepršava. Pruge nikad ne izlaze iz mode a ove vertikalne, vizuelno smanjuju obim.

One light blouse that fits to all. It is also available in larger sizes and in two more colors. It's all sweet and fluttering. Streaks never come out of fashion, and these vertical, visually reduce the volume.


Drawstring Lace-Up Polka Dot Bikini


Handmade Diamond Lace Stitching Bikini


Heart-Shaped Printed Wrapped Chest Bow Bikini



Spaghetti Strap Lace-Up Ruffle Trim Printed Bikini

Za sve zgodnice, tu su preslatki bikini kupaći. Ovoga puta sam samo njih izdvojila jer su mi se jako dopali. U isto vreme su i sexy a nekako su i nežni. Baš su jedinstveni i nisam kod nas videla ove modele. Sem bikinija, tu je i veliki izbor jednodelnih kupaćih kostima, kao i haljina za plažu. Sve je dostupno u više veličina.

For all the handsome, there are sweet bikinis. This time I just separated them because I really liked them. At the same time, they are sexy and somehow gentle. They are very unique and I have not seen these models in Serbia. There are bikinis, there is also a large selection of one-piece bathing suits, as well as a beach dress. Everything is available in several sizes.

Kako se vama dopadaju ovi modeli? Da li ste spremne za toplije dane?

How do you like these models? Are you ready for warmer days?

1 коментар:

  1. Prva majica je prelepa, ali takodje ima i jako lepih kupacih kostim a

