Pošto sam skoro napunila 28, rešila sam da se ozbiljno posvetim nezi kože. Iako je moja koža i dalje problematična, moram da krenem u borbu sa prvim borama. Proizvodi sa puževom sluzi su odlični za dubinsku regeneraciju kože a retinol je namenjen koži sa borama.
Zato sam se odlučila za Glutinous 90% Snail kremu, koja ima jako veliku koncentraciju puževe sluzi. Ostali sastojci su negujući i to mi se dopada. Kod nas su kreme ovog tipa pune alkohola i to mi se nikako ne dopada. Ova krema je stvarno na bazi puževe sluzi.
Sledeća krema je EGF Retinol krema i u svom sastavu sadrži biljne ekstrakte, niacinamid i retinol. Hajde da prvo počnemo od nje.
Since I was almost 28, I decided to take my skin care seriously. Even though my skin is still problematic, I have to fight the first wrinkles. Snail mucus products are great for deep skin regeneration and retinol is for skin with wrinkles.
So I opted for Glutinous 90% Snail Cream, which has a very high concentration of snail mucus. The other ingredients are nourishing and I like it. In our country, creams of this type are full of alcohol and I do not like it at all. This cream is really based on snail mucus.
The next cream is the EGF Retinol Cream and contains herbal extracts, niacinamide and retinol in its composition. Let's start with it first.
EGF Retinol krema dolazi u plastičnom pakovanju od 100 grama. Svi proizvodi dolaze u zaštitnoj foliji i potpuno su zaštićeni. Kutija je stvarno odlično urađena, kao i pakovanje samog proizvoda. Nemojte da vas izgled uplaši, ova krema ima visoku koncentraciju retinola ali mojoj osetljivoj koži nije smetalo. Prvo odradite test na malom delu kože. Prvo sam tako pa sam stavila kremu na celo lice. Nije bilo nikakve loše reakcije.
Retinol je poznat po tome da pomaže u brorbi protiv bora. On ubrzava metabolizam ćelija i samim tim koža stvara više kolagena. Kako se na koži stvaraju nove ćelije, koža se regeneriše i mnogo bolje izgleda. Svojim delovanjem, pored borbe protiv bora, retinol pomaže i kod flekica i hiperpigmentacije kože. Koža dobija na volumenu i elastičnosti. Retinol krema se koristi uveče, posle čišćenja lica i ne bi trebalo da se kombinuje sa kiselinama. Ujutru je obavezna krema sa SPF zaštitom. Nikako se ne preporučuje tokom dana zbog mogućih opekotina.
Pored retinola tu je niacinamid, koji je ustvari vinamin B3. Njegova namena je da dubinski čisti pore i smanjuje tamne fleke. Pomaže kod kože sa aknama ili kod kože kojoj je potrebna regeneracija.
Pri samom vrhu sastojaka je i ekstrakt ptičjeg gnezda i ulje makadamije, koji su poznati po svojim hidrirajućim i obnavljajućim svojstvima.
Veoma sam zadovoljna ovom kremom jer jako lepo hidrira, koža je mekana i ima mnogo lepši sjaj ujutru. Nastavljam sa korišćenjem i nadam se još boljem efektu.
EGF Retinol cream comes in a 100g plastic package. All products come in a protective film and are fully protected. The box is really well done, as is the packaging of the product itself. Don't look scared, this cream has high retinol concentration but my sensitive skin didn't bother me. First, do a test on a small part of the skin. So first I put the cream on my whole face. There was no bad reaction.
Retinol is known for helping to fight wrinkles. It speeds up cell metabolism and therefore the skin produces more collagen. As new cells are created on the skin, the skin regenerates and looks much better. In addition to its anti-wrinkle effect, retinol also helps with flecks and hyperpigmentation of the skin. Skin gains in volume and elasticity. Retinol cream is used in the evening after cleansing the face and should not be combined with acids. In the morning, a cream with SPF protection is required. It is not recommended during the day due to possible burns.
In addition to retinol, there is niacinamide, which is actually vitamin B3. Its purpose is to deep clean pores and reduce dark spots. Helps with acne skin or skin that needs regeneration.
At the top of the ingredients is a bird's nest extract and macadamia oil, which are known for their hydrating and restorative properties.
I am very happy with this cream because it hydrates really well, the skin is soft and has a much nicer glow in the morning. I continue to use and hope for an even better effect.
Da li trebam da vam pišem koliko Elizavecca pažnje posvećuje pakovanjima? Sve je tako slatko i divno upakovano.
Sledeća krema, koju sam odabrala je Glutinous 90% Snail krema. Kao što i ime kaže, sadrži 90% puževe sluzi, zatim biljna ulja i hidrirajuće sastojke. Ovoliko pažljivo birane sastojke skoro nisam videla. Toliko biljnih ulja i sva su hidrirajuća. Stvarno sam bila oduševljena kada sam videla. Kod nas sam viđala većinom alkohol, malo glicerina pa puževu sluz na kraju sastojaka.
Elizavecca se stvarno izdvaja kvalitetom i svi njihovi proizvodi vrede.
Krema je jako lagane teksture, bele boje i brzo se upije. Ne ostavlja film na koži pa se može koristiti i pre šminkanja. Jako lepo hidrira kožu i oseti se pod prstima koliko je meka.
Puževa sluz ima funkciju dadubinski obnovi kožu. Sluz sadrži faktore rasta, koji stimulišu proizvodnju kolagena. Samim tim pomažu da se koži vrati elastičnost. Takođe pomaže kod fleka, ožiljaka i pigmentacije kože lica i tela. Za svaki problem ili povredu kože, preporučuje se puževa sluz. Svi tipovi kože je jako dobro podnose pa i osetljiva. Ne izaziva nikakve probleme, već samo ima benefite za kožu.
Meni se ova krema odlično pokazala i sigurno neću da prestanem sa korišćenjem.
Do I need to write to you how much Elizavecca pays attention to the packaging? Everything is so sweet and wonderfully packed.
The next cream I chose is Glutinous 90% Snail Cream. As the name implies, it contains 90% snail slime, followed by vegetable oils and moisturizing ingredients. I almost didn't see the carefully selected ingredients. So many vegetable oils and they are all hydrating. I was really thrilled to see it. Most of us have seen alcohol, a little glycerin, and snail mucus at the end of the ingredients.
Elizavecca really stands out for quality and all their products are worth it.
The cream is very light in texture, white in color and absorbs quickly. It leaves no film on the skin and can be used before makeup. It moisturizes the skin very nicely and feels soft under the fingers.
Snail mucus has the function of deep skin renewal. Mucus contains growth factors that stimulate collagen production. Therefore, they help restore the skin's elasticity. It also helps with stains, scars and pigmentation of the face and body skin. For any skin problem or injury, snail mucus is recommended. All skin types are well tolerated and sensitive. It does not cause any problems, it just has skin benefits.
This cream has proven to be excellent for me and I will definitely not stop using it.
Jako sam zadovoljna svim proizvodima. Definitivno se vidi razlika i koža mi je mnogo lepša. Do sada nisam probala Elizavecca proizvod, koji me nije oduševio.
Since I was almost 28, I decided to take my skin care seriously. Even though my skin is still problematic, I have to fight the first wrinkles. Snail mucus products are great for deep skin regeneration and retinol is for skin with wrinkles.
So I opted for Glutinous 90% Snail Cream, which has a very high concentration of snail mucus. The other ingredients are nourishing and I like it. In our country, creams of this type are full of alcohol and I do not like it at all. This cream is really based on snail mucus.
The next cream is the EGF Retinol Cream and contains herbal extracts, niacinamide and retinol in its composition. Let's start with it first.
EGF Retinol krema dolazi u plastičnom pakovanju od 100 grama. Svi proizvodi dolaze u zaštitnoj foliji i potpuno su zaštićeni. Kutija je stvarno odlično urađena, kao i pakovanje samog proizvoda. Nemojte da vas izgled uplaši, ova krema ima visoku koncentraciju retinola ali mojoj osetljivoj koži nije smetalo. Prvo odradite test na malom delu kože. Prvo sam tako pa sam stavila kremu na celo lice. Nije bilo nikakve loše reakcije.
Retinol je poznat po tome da pomaže u brorbi protiv bora. On ubrzava metabolizam ćelija i samim tim koža stvara više kolagena. Kako se na koži stvaraju nove ćelije, koža se regeneriše i mnogo bolje izgleda. Svojim delovanjem, pored borbe protiv bora, retinol pomaže i kod flekica i hiperpigmentacije kože. Koža dobija na volumenu i elastičnosti. Retinol krema se koristi uveče, posle čišćenja lica i ne bi trebalo da se kombinuje sa kiselinama. Ujutru je obavezna krema sa SPF zaštitom. Nikako se ne preporučuje tokom dana zbog mogućih opekotina.
Pored retinola tu je niacinamid, koji je ustvari vinamin B3. Njegova namena je da dubinski čisti pore i smanjuje tamne fleke. Pomaže kod kože sa aknama ili kod kože kojoj je potrebna regeneracija.
Pri samom vrhu sastojaka je i ekstrakt ptičjeg gnezda i ulje makadamije, koji su poznati po svojim hidrirajućim i obnavljajućim svojstvima.
Veoma sam zadovoljna ovom kremom jer jako lepo hidrira, koža je mekana i ima mnogo lepši sjaj ujutru. Nastavljam sa korišćenjem i nadam se još boljem efektu.
EGF Retinol cream comes in a 100g plastic package. All products come in a protective film and are fully protected. The box is really well done, as is the packaging of the product itself. Don't look scared, this cream has high retinol concentration but my sensitive skin didn't bother me. First, do a test on a small part of the skin. So first I put the cream on my whole face. There was no bad reaction.
Retinol is known for helping to fight wrinkles. It speeds up cell metabolism and therefore the skin produces more collagen. As new cells are created on the skin, the skin regenerates and looks much better. In addition to its anti-wrinkle effect, retinol also helps with flecks and hyperpigmentation of the skin. Skin gains in volume and elasticity. Retinol cream is used in the evening after cleansing the face and should not be combined with acids. In the morning, a cream with SPF protection is required. It is not recommended during the day due to possible burns.
In addition to retinol, there is niacinamide, which is actually vitamin B3. Its purpose is to deep clean pores and reduce dark spots. Helps with acne skin or skin that needs regeneration.
At the top of the ingredients is a bird's nest extract and macadamia oil, which are known for their hydrating and restorative properties.
I am very happy with this cream because it hydrates really well, the skin is soft and has a much nicer glow in the morning. I continue to use and hope for an even better effect.
Da li trebam da vam pišem koliko Elizavecca pažnje posvećuje pakovanjima? Sve je tako slatko i divno upakovano.
Sledeća krema, koju sam odabrala je Glutinous 90% Snail krema. Kao što i ime kaže, sadrži 90% puževe sluzi, zatim biljna ulja i hidrirajuće sastojke. Ovoliko pažljivo birane sastojke skoro nisam videla. Toliko biljnih ulja i sva su hidrirajuća. Stvarno sam bila oduševljena kada sam videla. Kod nas sam viđala većinom alkohol, malo glicerina pa puževu sluz na kraju sastojaka.
Elizavecca se stvarno izdvaja kvalitetom i svi njihovi proizvodi vrede.
Krema je jako lagane teksture, bele boje i brzo se upije. Ne ostavlja film na koži pa se može koristiti i pre šminkanja. Jako lepo hidrira kožu i oseti se pod prstima koliko je meka.
Puževa sluz ima funkciju dadubinski obnovi kožu. Sluz sadrži faktore rasta, koji stimulišu proizvodnju kolagena. Samim tim pomažu da se koži vrati elastičnost. Takođe pomaže kod fleka, ožiljaka i pigmentacije kože lica i tela. Za svaki problem ili povredu kože, preporučuje se puževa sluz. Svi tipovi kože je jako dobro podnose pa i osetljiva. Ne izaziva nikakve probleme, već samo ima benefite za kožu.
Meni se ova krema odlično pokazala i sigurno neću da prestanem sa korišćenjem.
Do I need to write to you how much Elizavecca pays attention to the packaging? Everything is so sweet and wonderfully packed.
The next cream I chose is Glutinous 90% Snail Cream. As the name implies, it contains 90% snail slime, followed by vegetable oils and moisturizing ingredients. I almost didn't see the carefully selected ingredients. So many vegetable oils and they are all hydrating. I was really thrilled to see it. Most of us have seen alcohol, a little glycerin, and snail mucus at the end of the ingredients.
Elizavecca really stands out for quality and all their products are worth it.
The cream is very light in texture, white in color and absorbs quickly. It leaves no film on the skin and can be used before makeup. It moisturizes the skin very nicely and feels soft under the fingers.
Snail mucus has the function of deep skin renewal. Mucus contains growth factors that stimulate collagen production. Therefore, they help restore the skin's elasticity. It also helps with stains, scars and pigmentation of the face and body skin. For any skin problem or injury, snail mucus is recommended. All skin types are well tolerated and sensitive. It does not cause any problems, it just has skin benefits.
This cream has proven to be excellent for me and I will definitely not stop using it.
Power Ringer Collagen Deep mask pack sadrži hidrolizirani
kolagen. Namenjena je hidriranju, povećanju elastičnosti i borbi protiv
bora. Poboljšava teksturu kože i ona postaje glatka i sjajna. Pored
kolagena i glicerina, sadrži dosta voćnih sastojaka, koji pomažu u
regeneraciji kože.
Nanosi se na čistu kožu i drži 15-20 minuta. Sadrži dosta esencije i može se koristiti za dve upotrebe.
Obožavam Power Ringer maske i sve su mi odlične. Sve preporuke za njih.
Power Ringer Collagen Deep mask pack contains hydrolysed collagen. It is intended for hydration, increasing elasticity and fighting wrinkles. It improves the texture of the skin and it becomes smooth and shiny. In addition to collagen and glycerin, it contains a lot of fruity ingredients that help regenerate the skin.
Apply to clean skin and hold for 15-20 minutes. It contains a lot of essence and can be used for two uses.
I love the Power Ringer Masks and everything is great. All the recommendations for them.
Power Ringer Collagen Deep mask pack contains hydrolysed collagen. It is intended for hydration, increasing elasticity and fighting wrinkles. It improves the texture of the skin and it becomes smooth and shiny. In addition to collagen and glycerin, it contains a lot of fruity ingredients that help regenerate the skin.
Apply to clean skin and hold for 15-20 minutes. It contains a lot of essence and can be used for two uses.
I love the Power Ringer Masks and everything is great. All the recommendations for them.
Jako sam zadovoljna svim proizvodima. Definitivno se vidi razlika i koža mi je mnogo lepša. Do sada nisam probala Elizavecca proizvod, koji me nije oduševio.
Koji je vaš omiljeni Elizavecca proizvod?
I am very satisfied with all products. Definitely see the difference and my skin is much nicer. So far, I have not tried the Elizavecca product, which did not delight me.
What is your favorite Elizavecca product?
I am very satisfied with all products. Definitely see the difference and my skin is much nicer. So far, I have not tried the Elizavecca product, which did not delight me.
What is your favorite Elizavecca product?
Odlican post, fotografije su vrhunske, bravo draga moja <3
Odlican post. Masku sam probala i dopala mi se. Pužić :D krema deluje obećavajuće, nju bih probala...
ОдговориИзбришиNovi post na blogu - - - - - >>>>
great product
ОдговориИзбришиOdlican post, draga! Sve pohvale na postu.
Zaista odlican post draga!
ОдговориИзбришиZapratila sam te, ukoliko zelis mozes pogledati moj blog!
Ilmaha |Zapratite♥️ |